People Search
Welcome to the Burbridge Detective Agency People Search Page. Burbridge Detective Agency has all the resources needed to locate any person in the United States. This is the perfect place to receive the current address of anyone you may be looking for. Find people such as relatives, old friends, deadbeat parents, witnesses, or people who owe you money.

We offer 3 ways to locate people: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
People Search Database
You provide us with a person’s first and last name, age or approximate age, and last known address or area where a person lived, and we provide the current database address, address history, listed phone if available, and date of birth of the person. The database addresses information is updated monthly, and the information is compiled from postal, lease, property, court, driver license, vehicle registration, and or credit header information.
Cost = $19.95 (Search now includes a free email database lookup)
Click Here To Order Online
People Search Professional
You provide us with a full name, age or approximate age, and last known address or area where person lived, and we provide a verified current address (we personally make certain of the current location address) of that person.
Cost = $125.00 / $25 no-hit fee ($100 refund if current address is not verified as correct)
Click Here To Order Online
Missing Person Investigation
This search applies to missing person cases where fraud or murder may have occurred. For consultation, please call us at (219) 629-3260 (Calling Hours 9am - 5pm Central M-F ), or Click Here To Send Us A Message.
Cost = See Investigation Rates