Burbridge Detective Agency

License Plate Search Guarantee

Refund Guarantee

** We Guarantee that the license plate records we provide will contain the registered owner(s) of the vehicle, the address of the registered owner as it is listed on the registration record, the vin of vehicle, and the vehicle type. If we are unable to attain this information, we will provide a full refund on all standard and advanced license plate record searches, and partial refunds on all manual license plate record searches (refunds on manual searches are based on the amount we pay the state for the search, and additional cost such as notarization and documentation cost).

Price Guarantee

** If you should find any legitimate company offering the same updated records and checks to the general public for less cost, please contact us and we will beat their price. Note that there are some sites providing outdated historical records from outsourced databases. The records from these sites often contain incorrect information.

***Beware that there are many sites that advertise unlimited license plate records for a single membership price. These sites are NOT legitimate, and they use false advertising methods to get members to join their site. These sites know that they are misleading members, because they will not list their legal business name and physical address on their site.

Record Accuracy Guarantee

We guarantee the record information we provide matches the record information currently on file with the state searched. Note that there are rare times human errors can occur in the process of us receiving state records, and there maybe a period of a few business days for records to updated by the state, so if it is found that the information reported does not match, we will contact the records department to verify the most updated state record.
Also note that we do not have control over records entered incorrectly by the state into their own files. In those cases, we can challenge state records, however a photo of the plate will be required to do so.

***Beware that there are many sites that advertise unlimited license plate records for a single membership price. These sites are NOT legitimate, and they use false advertising methods to get members to join their site. These sites know that they are misleading members, because they will not list a phone number or physical business address on their sites.

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Burbridge Detective Agency, LLC is a Licensed & Insured Private Detective Agency (
IN Detective License #: PI20700205)