Burbridge Detective Agency

Employment / Source of Income Lookup

Welcome to the Burbridge Detective Agency Employment Locate Web Page. Our service is designed to help locate the employment of an individual so that information can be used to assist in the garnishment of wages on civil judgments, child support, alimony, or other court related reasons.

Place of Employment or Source of Income Check

You provide us with name, address, and reason for search - we provide the subject’s current place of employment or subject’s current source of income (ex - unemployment, social security disability, workman compensation).

($25 For No Record Hit)

Normal Turnaround Time: 8 to 10 business days

(Available Nationwide)

Though the information attained from this search are very accurate, you must consider that the information may be attained from sources in which the customer voluntarily through credit applications, banking, or other sources released his or her own employment information. Depending on area, in some instances surveillance may also be used to attain place of employment.

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Burbridge Detective Agency, LLC is a Licensed & Insured Private Detective Agency (
IN Detective License #: PI20700205)